Things Lyft Drivers Don’t Say To My Husband

Sabra Boyd
5 min readNov 1, 2019
Seattle Waterfront

Things that Lyft drivers do not say to my husband…

How old are you?

Do you have kids?

I hope it’s okay for me to say this, but you are beautiful. You don’t dress weird like other women.

Are you married?

You should marry a real man instead.

You are very beautiful.

You are not a real woman until you have given birth to children.

Are you a singer? You have the voice of an angel.

You are too nice to be American. I think you are lying. Where are you really from?

You are beautiful.

No you’re not. You look much younger. I thought you were a teenager!

You have such a beautiful voice.

I like that you are not dressed up for Halloween because it means that you are not a witch or worship Satan. And you are a good wife.

I hope this doesn’t make you uncomfortable, but can I have your number?

Do you love your husband? Are you sure?

If you were my wife, you wouldn’t need to go to work this morning.

Is this your home, or are you going to the address where you live?



Sabra Boyd

Sabra is a child trafficking survivor who is seeking an agent for her true crime memoir | The Glass Castle x The Godfather |